As we come to the end 2022 Mecelec continue to perform well in difficult times, our workshop is bursting again which can only be good news. Although the industrial climate looks bleak for us all, here at Mecelec projections look positive AND it’s important to remember where we have come from!

It’s not as bad as it was!
Let’s look back to early 2020, that feels like an age ago, there was only a black hole in front of us. That year was as demanding for businesses as it comes, having furloughed most of the work force and made a round of redundancies we kept a core team of our technical staff here at Mecelec to support key industries – We also decided to do something more positive, and we join the brigade of engineering companies in the design and build of Ventilators.
Using our expertise in control engineering and some help from one of our customers ‘Westport’ who manufacture precision gas injectors we designed and built a Ventilator which was very different from the conventional approach, with few moving parts a local practicing anaesthetist saw it as ground braking.
Finally, our business came back to life, and we accelerated away from the events of that year with at pace. Sadly, our ventilator project never materialised past the prototype phase, but I think all involves and those listening in on social media all saw it as positive for our wellbeing.